Dial it Down!


Want to reduce pain or stress? Lose weight? Stop smoking? Be less nervous about surgery or dentistry? Have better relationships? Be happier? Achieve goals?

We live in stressful times, and stress can be a hard thing to manage and it’s hard on your mind and body, relationships, and work.

The Hypno Group professionals can help you dial-down pain, stress, phobias, bad habits, anxiety, and the problems associated with these issues.

Hypnosis is safe, effective, widely accepted by medical professionals, and it can be done quickly and affordably. Or you may wish to opt for some other forms of treatment such as autogenic biofeedback, neurolinguistic programming (NLP), or guided meditation. We can help!

The Hypno Group Treatment Areas

Hypnotherapy may be used effectively to treat a wide variety of issues, including pain and stress relief, stopping bad habits, improving relationships and intimacy, and even improving sports and career performance. These are some of our most-common areas of specialization, and we offer a variety of treatments beyond what is listed below. Feel free to query us as needed and we’ll be happy to respond with how we may be able to help. As always, we offer an initial consultation at no cost to you. Click below the list to schedule your free consultation today!

Weight Loss

Anxiety and Stress Reduction

Dental and medical surgery anxiety relief and management

Goal Setting

Drug Addiction/Alcohol Abuse


Sports Performance

Improving Intimacy

Video-Gaming & Cell Phone Addiction

Communication Skills

COVID-19 Anxiety Stress Treatment (CAST)

Smoking Cessation-Cigarettes, Vaping

Relationship, Marriage, and Family Issues

Career/Job Issues, Goals, Challenges

Stress associated with sex-related issues and dysfunction for men and women

Reducing blood pressure (hypertension) through guided relaxation

Goal-Setting and Self-Confidence

Chronic Pain Relief

Nocturnal Bruxing (tooth grinding)

Sleep Improvement

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Hypertonic Pelvic Floor Disorder

Interview / Audition / Speaking Anxiety

Grief and Loss of a Loved One

Overcoming Fears and Mental “Blocks”

Stopping Bad Habits and Phobias

Resolving Your Past

Our Treatment Specializations

Depending on the issue(s) with which you would like us to help, we may recommend and use hypnotherapy, conversational hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), autogenic biofeedback, or other forms of treatment to achieve the best results.

We offer a free consultation if you’re interested in hypnotherapy and would like to find out if it’s right for you! Click the button below to be directed to our page where you can schedule the consultation. There is no charge for it and no obligation for services.